Colin Kapernick NFL Controversy

NFL Controversy


Racism is a prominent social justice issue. It has been for quite a long time. It seems that its rising once again and its being proven by the actions of the President of the United States and his fellow comrades. They shame the NFL as there was a certain event. Colin Kaepernick left the 49ers due to the fact that he believes that the nation oppresses black people. He refers to police brutality against the black people very often. He opted out of his contract due to the fact that he believed he was being passed up because the owners of the NFL teams were working together to leave him unsigned. It concluded with him leaving the NFL. He continues fighting against racism today.

          Source :
                            NFL athlete Colin Kapernick taking a knee during the national anthem

My Statement

In my opinion I agree with the actions of Colin Kaepernick. America hasn't been the most welcoming to the African-Americain people and culture. They deserve to be treated better. The act of kneeling during the anthem was enough to make an impact but not completely disrespect the American anthem. Colin Kaepernick handled the situation in the correct way and is a model for racial equality in America.


  1. I agree that things need to be done to reduce racism. I completely agree with the reasoning behind the kneeling during the anthem as it was a good way to create publicity and awareness about the racism issues in America. I think the kneeling was worth the controversy as it is for a good cause. All groups in America, especially those from African-American cultures, should be comfortable and should have equal rights in the country they call home. Hopefully more can be done to reduce racism around the world.

  2. yea i also agree with colin. it was brave of him to do this, and it shows how much he cares about the matter. and i'm glad a lot of people decided to follow suit and back him up.


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